Utopias (IRL//URL)
[(Video documentation of installation 1:30min) The room has white walls and a grey concrete gallery floor. The walls are bare, and three figurative sculptures made of clear glass tubing and argon gas with rectangular concrete bases are positioned left (L), center (C), and right (R) in the frame. The glass tubing depicts societally-feminized, headless, handless bodies. (L) and (R) are in the middle ground glowing pink, and (C) is in the background glowing white. (L)’s figure is seated with knees bent, legs to the left side, arms loose at the figure’s side, and chest forward. (R)’s figure is seated on their ankles, knees bent to the left, arms in the air with elbows bent, and chest slightly tilted. (C)’s figure stands tall, about twice the size of the other two sculptures, with legs about hip width apart, arms loose at the figure’s side and chest forward. Blackout painted tubing joining the lit-up sections of tubing appears faintly behind the sculptures. The color of the light flickers, wanes, and brightens slowly and without any seeming automation. The room gets brighter or dimmer based on the sculptures’ glow]
Utopias (IRL//URL), 2017
Dimensions Variable. Installation view. Fabricated by the artist.
Phosphor coated glass tubing, argon gas, mercury, blockout paint, acrylic housing, arduino controlled sensors, hand-cast concrete.
This installation explores the early cyber-feminist hopes of the internet as a genderless, bodiless utopia. The work asks questions about representation, gender and embodiment in Post-Internet culture. Set-up as a mock utopia, the work asks the viewer to question the effect of the digital/physical divide on how we understand and view sexualised and gendered bodies in online and offline spaces. The installation features coded Arduino modules that interact in real-time with the topography of the exhibition space.

Utopias (IRL//URL) Untitled #1, Untitled #3, 2017. Pictured at FBA Futures, Mall Galleries, London, January 2018. Image credit: Hannah Burton